Thursday, 21 November 2013

Sweater Weather Tag

I know, I know, I haven't posted in a while but I've got a lot coming up next week! And I also know that it's not really fall/autumn time anymore so I'm a bit late with this tag but oh well. Oh and no one tagged me so so far this post is pretty much a fail... Just bear with me.

1) Favourite candle scent?
I really love Home Sweet Home by Yankee Candle because its so festive and cosy.

2) Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
Tea I think because I drank it almost every day even in the summer but its really relaxing and I love to drink it in bed at night because even though they have caffeine, it helps me sleep. I'm actually drinking some right now!

3) Do you switch up your makeup routine for the season?
I don't wear much make up anyway so no but I do switch up my skincare routine and tend to wear a lot more moisturiser because my skin dries out a lot more and I also are extra care over my lips by wearing lots of vaseline, babylips and eos. 

4) Favourite thanksgiving food?
We don't have thanksgiving in England so I can't really answer this one.

5) Hats or scarves?
This is a hard question but I think I'm going to have to go with scarves just because they probably suit me more and they look really cute with a nice jumper or even a autumn wintery dress. 

6) Most worn sweater?
It's this one from new look probably. I always wear it if I'm just going to town or to the supermarket or just popping out somewhere casual.

7) Must have nail polish?
I really like Prussian Blue by Models Own for fall time but I just generally like any quite dark colours for fall like deep purples or blues.

8) Football games or jumping in a pile of leaves?
It has to be jumping in a pile of leaves, without a doubt.

9) Skinny jeans or leggings?
This is probably the easiest question. Leggings all the way. I have at least 10 pairs of leggings, some the same and some different but I'm not even sure if I own a single pair of jeans. I think I have one pair of skinny jeans but it probably doesn't fit me anymore. I don't think I've worn a pair of jeans in over 2 years.

10) Boots or Uggs?
Okay so last year or the year before it would be uggs but this year I've been obsessed with boots. You know when you get one pair of shoes and then you wear no others for ages? Well that's what's happened. So yeah boots.

11) What is your #1 favourite thing about fall?
Well it's called autumn here but I definitely think its the coziness of being indoors in fluffy pyjamas and slippers and being able to layer up outside and just generally snuggling up. I also love autumn/fall fashion. All the colours and clothes are amazing this time of year.

12) Do you have a song that gets you in the fall mood or a song that you're loving at the moment?
Bonfire heart by James Blunt this year really got me in the fall mood but generally it's Your Song but the cover by Ellie Goulding that always makes me feel cosy and festive. It's so Christmassy to me too because a couple years ago when it came out, I was obsessed and I listened to it all winter and fall and christmas and just every day! 

13) What is the fall weather like where you currently live?
It's not too different to every other day here in England. Cold. Cold, rainy and windy. I really like it though to be honest at this time of year.

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