Monday, 23 December 2013

The Christmas Tag

As I'm writing this, it is 2:19am in England on the 23rd December 2013. This technically means that there are only 2 days left until christmas.
Since it's 2 in the morning, my brain isn't functioning enough to write a proper post so I am going to do a well suited Christmas tag created by PointlessBlog aka Alfie Deyes who is by far one of my favourite youtubers. No one tagged me but whatever.

1). Use one noise to describe how excited you are for christmas

2). Whats the best present you've ever been given and why?
Probably my laptop which was a late christmas present last year because on laptops you can go on the internet and the internet has blogs and youtube and tumblr and twitter. And gifs...

3). Whats the worst present you've ever been given and why?
Probably a pen. Yes, I got given a pen. To be fair the pen came with a key ring but then again the key ring was an ugly lifeguard thing and the pen only lasted about a day...

4). Sing a line from your favourite christmas song
"I should be playing in the winter snow but imma be under the mistletoe" -Mistletoe, Justin Bieber

5). Whats your favourite Christmas film?
Probably either elf or home alone.

6). Show how good you are at wrapping a present.
How? Okay this tag was not made for blogs.

7). If you could rename one of father christmas' reindeer, what would you name it?
Inka because that's my name and my best friends name put together. Yes we're shipped.

8). Whats your favourite thing about christmas?
The food, lights, music, time off school and spending time with family. I know that's not one thing but shh i like christmas.

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