Hey guys!
Sorry I missed a two posting days (Saturday and Monday).
I was reaaalllyyyy busy!
In the UK it's been cold and dull for a very long time now and when outside is grey and cloudy, it makes it extra hard to smile.
Everyone has those days or periods of time in their lives when they are sad or aren't quite feeling up to scratch. It's natural as humans but there are ways you can cheer yourself up a bit and feel that little bit less miserable.
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This is not my photo. Unknown source. |
1. Be optimistic
If you are constantly telling yourself that everything is hopeless and life will never get better, then chances are you'll be unhappy for a lot longer than you could be because it means you are unwilling to try and look forward. Being optimistic makes you more grateful for what you have too. Just ask yourself "Am I looking at my glass as half empty or half full". Just be positive and try and find the bright side in every bad situation. After all, every cloud has a silver lining.
2. Smile
For some reason, smiling can actually make you happy so showing a fake smile could quickly be the reason for your real smile. It's hard to be sad when your face is in a smile (can your face be in a smile? No, don't think so). It's almost as if your smile is tricking you into being happy so whenever you can, give the world a massive smile, even if no one is around. I mean, there is always something to be hapy about.
3. Spend time with friends and family
Spending time with the people you love might not be number 1 on your list of things to do when you feel like a mess. I usually just want to crawl up into a ball on my bed in the dark on my own for as long as possible and eat ice cream but that won't help anything. Spending quality time with friends and family can boost your mood, they all laugh, joke around, tell funny stories and discussing your favourite memories from when you were younger.
4. Eat healthily and drink water
Constantly eating junk food can make you feel lazy and sluggish so eat lots of fruit and vegetables to boost your mood and make you feel more energetic. Eating healthily also leads to healthy weight, skin, hair and nails.
5. Exercise
Exercising can actually make you feel more awake rather than tiring you down. It get's you out of bed and can take your mind off whatever is bringing you down. Exercise can give you an "endorphin rush" which is what makes you happy.
6. Don't dwell on things you can't change
A lot of people are prone to spending hours, days or even weeks thinking about something that happened or is going to happen even though they have no control over it. I am one of those people. As our beloved film Frozen very clearly said "Let it go".
7. Don't over-think things
I am the type of person to go way too far into everything, turning meaningless things into big problems when really it's no big deal. Not everything has to have a reason or solution. Most things sort themselves out if you just forget about them.
8. Forgive people
Forgiving people can take a massive weight off your shoulders boosting your mood and everyone loves to be forgiven so it's a win-win situation. Don't hold grudges against other people, it just brings people down and makes things way more complicated than they need to be.
9. Set realistic goals
Setting unrealistic goals makes you feel like a failure because you feel like giving up. Setting no goals can make you feel useless and can leave little point in life for you but setting realistic goals, gives you a purpose to work hard and do what you want to do and when you achieve them, you feel extremely proud and have a great sense of accomplishment.
10. Look after yourself
Give yourself that break, do your nails, buy that bag you want so badly, get a haircut, take a bath. You deserve it. Feed yourself good foods and give your body the exercise it needs. You get one body so look after it. You get one life, make the most of it.
I am always here to talk, feel free to tweet me, comment below or even email me any questions you have or even if you just want someone to talk to. I love you all.
See you soon!
If you do feel extremely down and think you may be experiences symptoms of depression then do seek advice from a professional.
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