Hey guys!
Here is Tuesdays post of Fitness Week on how to stay motivated to stay healthy.
I'm in a healthy mood right now with a bottle of water and plate of fruit next to me.
1. Set small, achievable goals
If you have goals of what you want to look/feel like then break them down. Make them smaller and make them more short-term otherwise you might end up putting the change off until last minute and it will be difficult to achieve your goal. Your aim should also be realistic otherwise your will be disheartened after a disappointing outcome of not reaching your goal. While your goals should not be outrageous, you should consider setting goals to keep you on track.
2. Reward yourself
With every goal, you need a reward. This reward can be something like a new pair of shoes or even clothes that you can now fit into after your weight loss. This will keep you motivated knowing that you will get more things out of it.
3. Keep healthy food in the house
From experience I know that we tend to eat whatever is in the house so if there is junk food and snacks around me I will eat those but if we have fruit and healthier snacks I will eat those so keep junk food out of the house and stock up with healthy food.
4. Cut out fizzy drinks
Water is a humans best friend so fill your body with it. It improves your skin, nails, hair and even your metabolism. It is a necessity and most people do not get enough. If you do not like the taste of water, add more flavour by putting in a lemon slice or other fruits.
5. Get enough sleep
The importance of getting sufficient sleep in definitely underrated. You should aim for at least 8 hours sleep each night if you are an adult and more than that if you are younger. Getting enough sleep means you will be less likely yo get sick, more likely to stay at a healthy weight, you can lower your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, you can boost your brainpower and your mood and you can think more clearly and do better in school and at work.
6. Get cute workout clothes and trainers
If you have adorable workout clothes and perfect trainers, you are going to want to get use out of them so this is a great way of getting yourself to exercise more regularly. Personally, I love everything Nike because they are so cute and amazing quality (this isn't sponsored by the way!).
7. Everything in moderation
Being healthy doesn't mean never eating chocolate again but it meas not eating 6 chocolate bars per day. You need to balance exercise and healthy eating too. One without the other is like your phone without a charger; it works for a while but reaches a point where it's pretty pointless. Not being able to eat food you like because they aren't healthy can be off putting but remember that you are allowed them every now and again.
8. Go outside
You're going to get bored of looking at blank walls while working out every day so change it up and enjoy the view outside and exercise while experiencing nature.
9. Make smoothies
Smoothies are delicious and a way of getting lots of nutrition into your body without having to eat lots of fruit and vegetables if that's difficult for you.
10. Make a fitness tumblr
This probably sounds stupid but tumblr is perfect for motivational stories, photos and tips so head on over and make a health based tumblr and follow my fitness account there too (this was a great opportunity to promote my fitness tumblr).
I hope you enjoyed this!
See you later!
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