Thursday, 7 August 2014

FITNESS WEEK: Myths About Fitness

Hey guys!

There are so many myths about fitness that too many people believe!

MYTH: Running on a treadmill is as effective as running outside.
FACT: Because running against wind or on uneven terrain engages more of your muscles, it requires more energy and ends up burning about 10 percent more calories than running the same distance on a treadmill.

MYTH: You shouldn't work out every day.

FACT: Rest should be part of your workout, not an alternative to your workout, says Barbara Bushman, Ph.D., a professor of kinesiology at Missouri State University.

MYTH: You can't work out when you're sick.

FACT: As long as you don't have a fever and your symptoms are above the neck (think: stuffy nose or sore throat, not chest congestion or indigestion), you can totally hit the gym. Just listen to your body—or ask your doc if you're unsure.

MYTH: Crunches are the best moves for your core.

FACT: To really cinch your waistline, you're better off doing multi-muscle exercises that target every region of your core. (Crunches don't count.)

MYTH: You shouldn't work out on an empty stomach.

FACT: Your body burns more fat when you hit the gym before you eat breakfast, according to a new study published online in the British Journal of Nutrition. Just don't skimp on water.

1 comment:

  1. i love you blog! thanks for the tips! id love it if youd comment back xx
